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Tuesday 9 December 2014

Trial Treatment - Session #2

Hi all,

A very brief one today!

Steve had his second treatment on Friday and again, all went smoothly. So far, no awful side effects - he felt tired afterwards but we put that down to spending a few hours in hospital - we've both always found hospitals quite draining so we don't think it has anything to do with the treatment.

Not much else to report about that which I'm thankful for - Steve's been off work for a little while so we've been enjoying spending some time together as a new little family and we're really loving it.

Esmée is absolutely lovely and lights up our lives everyday. We feel so incredibly blessed to have her. She makes everything easier to cope with and makes us fight even harder than before.

I'll probably post again before Christmas but if I don't, hope you all have a magical time! :)

Lots of love Xx

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