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Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Happy New Year :)

So we're coming to the end of another very surreal year for the Shergolds!

New Year's Eve always has me feeling nostalgic and I'm writing this feeling extremely lucky with my husband and daughter next to me (looking ridiculously alike).

In January 2014, about 6 weeks after Steve's doctor gave us the go-ahead to start trying for a baby if we wanted to, we discovered I had a little tiny wriggly person on board. Nine days later, a routine scan showed that Steve's cancer hadn't gone after all, and that it was now dotted around his lung. Two days after this, he started another round of chemotherapy. Some call this luck - we think it's fate. Our little girl is a miracle we weren't sure would ever happen for us and I believe more than ever that things happen for a reason.

In July, as I talked about in a previous post, Steve became very poorly with a staphylococcal infection which tends to shut down the vital organs one by one. When he was allowed to come home, I was told that I was very lucky to be bringing him home and that I'd come very close to losing him. Again, luck? Or another miracle?

We stay positive and live for every moment because we have to - what sort of life would it be if we didn't? We don't waste time wondering why.

We play the hand we were dealt and we play it the best we can. We've made the most of what we've been given.

I believe that the heaviest burdens are placed upon the shoulders of those who can carry their weight and my husband proves this to me every day.

So tonight, my glass (mug of hot chocolate) will be raised to him, for giving me the most amazing gift, for making sure I feel loved every day, for continuing to teach me things about myself and for genuinely being the most inspiring person I have ever known.

Happy New Year everyone!

Lots of love Xx

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