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Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Happy Thoughts Required!

Hi everyone,

Steve was signed off work for a week because he hadn't been feeling well and was struggling with long days. I'm glad because it was clear to anyone who knows him that he needed a bit of time to recharge his batteries and rest his body and mind.

A few days ago marked the 3rd anniversary of Steve's diagnosis, and it was quite emotional thinking back to that awful day and remembering the journey we've been on ever since. I'm so proud of him!

In other news, my mum is unfortunately feeling extremely low about her health. She is in pain all the time, is eating little and sleeping lots.

She had a GP appointment a couple of days ago and was informed that her cancer is not only in her lungs and adrenal gland, but is also now in her bones.

I would really appreciate prayers for her, and for Steve, if you are religious or just lots of happy, positive vibes being sent their way if not.

Thank you :)

Lots of love Xx